Today I finally got my flight information! I'm leaving from Chicago on August 10:30 pm. It's a three hour drive from my house to Chicago, so since my family is driving me there, they won't get home till 2 or 3 in the morning. But that also means I'll get to Frankfurt around 2 pm. After that I'm taking another plane to Hamburg for my orientation. My flights total to 4584 miles and over 9 hours! It'll be really weird to go forward in time. My tentative return date is July 8th. Which means I'd be back home exactly one year from now...that's surreal. It'd be awesome if I could stay a few days longer, because my best friend's birthday is July 11th!
I can't believe I have less than 40 days left in America. I'm getting kind of scared, but I'm so excited at the same time. I feel really unprepared though; I don't even have a suitcase yet! I've been talking to my host family a lot, and we're getting along really well. Today is Andreas' birthday, so we talked while he was on the train home
at 4 am here. He's so nice!! He called me "liebe Sarah" (which I think is for people you're close to) and sent me a bunch of pictures, because I said I've never been on a train. I'm planning to Skype with them on Sunday afternoon!
Bis später,
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